The Counterfeit Protest: Hong Kong’s pro-Beijing rally against Occupy Central

26 August 2014 | Coconuts TV

A pro-Beijing march remonstrating the Occupy Central rally, which could take place at the end of this month, was held on Sunday, August 17th. Local media reported that many pro-Beijing marchers were paid to attend the anti-Occupy Central march, with free transport, lunches and other incentives. Some protesters allegedly did not even know why they were there.

Hong Kong Refuses to Back Down

2 July 2014 | China Uncensored

Taking to the streets and singing from Les Miserables, hundreds of thousands of Hong Kongers protest on the anniversary of the July 1 handover of Hong Kong to Chinese rule. At the same time, 800,000 people voted on a pro-democracy Occupy Central movement referendum that Hong Kong’s chief executive should be elected by the people. Following a threatening white paper from Beijing, Hong Kongers sing, “Do You Hear the People Sing?” It seems like Beijing would have a hard time not.

Beijing’s White Paper Warning to Hong Kong

21 June 2014 | China Uncensored

Say goodbye to your freedoms Hong Kong because the Chinese Communist Party is taking over! On June 10, China put out a white paper that in no uncertain words said they have the authority disregard the law, the constitution, and any liberties and freedoms that might have been promised to Hong Kong. The One Country, Two Systems thing turns out to have just been a lie. But Hong Kongers have more power than the Chinese regime wants them to believe. Find out more on this episode of China Uncensored!

The Invasion of Hong Kong Begins!

24 Feb 2014 | China Uncensored

The Hong Kong Town Planning Board has unanimously approved the construction of a PLA (People Liberation Army) port in Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong’s Central District. And with the massive Occupy Central protest coming up later this year, well, we know how well the PLA and protesters get along. What does this mean for Hong Kong’s hope for democracy? Find out on this episode of China Uncensored.

Further Comments on ‘Is Hong Kong the Next Tibet’

13 Feb 2014  | China Uncensored

The Hong Kong Town Planning Board has unanimously approved the construction of a PLA (People Liberation Army) port in Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong’s Central District. And with the massive Occupy Central protest coming up later this year, well, we know how well the PLA and protesters get along. What does this mean for Hong Kong’s hope for democracy? Find out on this episode of China Uncensored.

Is Hong Kong the Next Tibet?

12 Feb 2014 | China Uncensored

Hong Kong is battling to keep its freedom. Hong Kong enjoys liberties that would be unimaginable in Mainland China. Rights like freedom of religion, freedom of speech and assembly, and they can even openly criticize the government. That’s why the Chinese Communist Party is so scared of Hong Kongers. But with Occupy Central coming up and universal suffrage in 2017, the CCP is trying its best to encroach on Hong Kong. And with a flood of Mainland Chinese settling in the area, a form of gerrymandering may be happening, where even if the right to vote is granted, elections will be undermined nevertheless. Many of the methods the Chinese regime is using are the same they’ve used in Tibet, like trying to wipe out the native language, in this case, Cantonese. So is there any hope for Hong Kong? Find out in this episode of China Uncensored!